ugg boots

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Xi Qi Yang Yang

Hui Chieh jie jie wanted to do a showcast before Chinese New Year, since her students are doing accessments on that day, we decided to perform a new year song, it called XI QI YANG YANG. I think chinese might know what's the meaning in this song :)

it was a nice performance and experiences :) COOL... I've learnt a lot

Monday, February 26, 2007

4 Pretty girls :)
Me and Huichieh jie jie....... :) Thanks to her
Group photos with buddies :)
Me and Zu :)

Keroncong performance at Putrajaya

I knew this function few days before, I supposed to do rehearsal with them, but I've choir rehearsal on that day, I can't make it. Anyway, this function was on sunday, it was a malay wedding ceremony, they needed a music group to entertain them while they were eating.

We supposed to arrived there to do sound-check in the morning, but me, ayeshah and ina can't make it because we needed to teach in the morning so we decided to reach there by own.

This was a reality fuction, I learned a lot from there. :) Cool
My friend on the stage :)
Malay wedding ceremony.....
Me beside the stage......:D
Me!! :)
A group photo before we have our dinner and supper :)

Susur Seni 2006

This was a program organized by ASWARA, my school. I got this offer when I just came back from the National Choir Tour Concert at Sabah and Sarawak. Actually I didn't want to accept this offer because I was exhausted, I need a 'GOOD' rest, at least 2 weeks for me. However, my teacher already decided my friends and I involved in this workshop. This was a combination of violin workshop and randai workshop, randai is a traditional dance theater in Negeri Sembilan. This traditional dance theater needs an ensemble called Taklempong, it's a nice ensemble. I like it.....

I didn't really know what was the workshop for, I asked my friends, they said we were the tutors for those secondary students from Negeri Sembilan. Three of us expected they learn violin before, luckily it wasn't. Most of them didn't learn violin before, although it was kind of hard for us to teach them in a week, the posture, intonations and other important elements in violin studies. We didn't give up, we just taught what we know about violin.

In this workshop I learned a lot, how to teach, how to communicate with students in a proper way. Anyway, I need to thank to all my friends and lecturers help us out, they gave us supports and advices :)


They are my students and friends :) Thank you

My school buddies :)

Me and tutors and teachers :)