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Wednesday, February 27, 2008

End of Chinese New Year 2008

I was kindly busy during chinese new year, the first day of chinese new year, I was performing in KLCC with my dear friend, bambee. :) The second day, I visited my grandmother, what can we did there is watching tv. (Sigh!) The third day, I went to ampang waterfall, maybe it was still school holiday, so there was lots of people, after that we went to relatives place :)

The choir began rehearsals on the 10th of feb, although it was still chinese new year, but we've performance on the 13th of feb,it was a concert called Konsert Barisan Budi.We met lots of artist such as Jacyln Victor, Dayang, Suki, Dina, Muthukumaran and others. We performed 5 nights, it was fun and we were enjoying during our performance :)

Bambee and I after the performance in KLCC :D

Sunday, February 03, 2008

Chinese New Year 2008

冬冬冬呛! 冬冬冬呛! 冬冬冬呛! 冬呛冬呛!
农历新年即将来临了!! 我总觉得今年并没有新年的气氛, 或许是我太忙与我的学业及工作, 并没有多余时间想其他的事情了. 以往的农历新年我都一直抱着期待及愉快的心情, 但今年我只是想在农历新年假期内好好的休息, 享受人生. (哈哈, 我何时变得这么感性了?)

随着年纪的增长, 我渐渐发觉钱财是十分十分十分重要, 所谓 NO MONEY NO TALK, 这是我所领悟的. 在吉隆坡生活真的真的需要自立的观念, 不能太依靠周围身边的人. 因为他们也有生活上的需求, 我只好靠自己 :) 虽然我还是位求学中的学生, 但我必须考自己大一片事业创造美好的未来 :D

祝福我吧 :D 加油